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Monday, August 29, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/29/11

Put in a ceiling fan yesterday. It was a nightmare. If I were designing something to be installed by someone I hated, this is what I'd come up with. Seriously, it's like it never occurred to any engineer at the manufacturer that someone would actually have to connect this thing to the ceiling. Now here's the news...

Michele Bachmann's campaign says she was kidding when she said God was sending earthquakes and hurricanes because he was mad at government spending. Let me make a couple of points here; one, jokes are generally supposed to be funny and, two, if she was kidding, what does it say about the candidate that no one could tell the difference Shelly the absurdist and Shelly the serious?

Labor economist Alan Krueger will replace Austan Goolsbee as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. He sounds like the kind of guy America needs, which means confirmation is going to be a bitch. No sanity or realism allowed!


Here comes the racism again. Jack Cashill at the poorly named American Thinker takes a gander at a letter Barack Obama wrote in the Harvard Law Record and simply does not care for the writing. Conclusion, President Obama is an affirmative action case who never belonged at Harvard in the first place. Needless to say, Scott Johnson at Powerline concurs.

Here's a fun game; let's take a look at George W. Bush's, Michele Bachmann's, Rick Perry's, and Sarah Palin's college writings and see how they stack up. I'd bet the farm they'd be as stupid as you'd expect. And only one of those was an affirmative action case -- George W. Bush, who scored a scholarship because his dad was a Yale graduate.

But we don't call that "affirmative action for rich white guys," we call that "legacy."


Eric Cantor is still standing by his "no disaster relief without spending cuts" hostage scheme. Steve Benen nails it:
Let’s also not lose sight of the larger context here. As far as Eric Cantor is concerned, launching wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not need to be paid for. Tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires do not need to be paid for. Bailing out Wall Street does not need to be paid for. But when American communities are struck by a natural disaster, all of a sudden, House Republicans discover a new standard: if Democrats want to help affected areas, the GOP has some demands that must be met.
Benen says Cantor's stance is "morally reprehensible." I say I wish Benen hadn't gone so easy on him.


Gay terrorists wage jihad on poor Rick Santorum.

Joe Scarborough wonders if it's a good idea to go marching off to war at the drop of a hat, without considering what the costs might be.

Rick Perry's brain is like a "chicken pot pie," in case you were wondering about that. Apparently, Republican voters really like that in a candidate.

Finally, Fox News' Stuart Varney is really just an awful, awful person.
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