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Thursday, August 04, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/4/11

Had to reinstall Chrome today. I don't want to talk about it. Now here's the news...

World markets are just super-enthusiastic about the debt limit deal. And by "super-enthusiastic," I mean panic-stricken. Among the problems; "A fear haunting markets is that the United States economy may be heading for a double-dip recession," the NYT reports. Yay for fiscal responsibility!

Paul Krugman to everyone: "I told you so."

Mittens Romney signs a "I hate marriage equality!" pledge. No real surprise here, but worth mentioning. Apparently, the road to the GOP nomination is paved with a bunch of promises to let someone else govern.

Nancy Pelosi states the obvious -- that Republicans don't care squat about deficits, they just want to destroy government. Needless to say, this is the worst thing ever.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. And sicker.

For some reason, top birther nutbag Joseph Farah wants to "sit on Obama's birthday cake." I guess that's probably because he's insane.

Finally, Americans agree; the US congress really, really, really, really sucks. I mean historic low, 14% approval sucks [pdf].
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