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Friday, August 05, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/5/11

Remember how, if congress dicked around long enough with the debt limit, ratings agency would downgrade the US from AAA? Yeah, congress probably dicked around long enough.

Non-shocker of the day: Texas Gov. Rick Perry doesn't seem to be very smart.

Hey, remember the Tea Party? Yeah, those guys were pretty crazy, huh? Good thing that's over.

Must-read Krugman: Not only are we on the wrong road now, but we've been on the wrong road for a while now.

Stuart Rothenberg says the ground in the Wisconsin recalls "appears to favor the Democrats." But pollster Mark Mellman cautions that Democrats aren't taking anything for granted -- because they shouldn't.

I genuinely don't understand how Eric Cantor can propose the things he proposes without being ashamed of himself.

By now it's just way too obvious; the GOP is trying to sabotage the economy so Obama doesn't get reelected.

Finally, Wisconsin's voter ID law will cost the state an extra $6 million -- to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist. Yay for fiscal sanity!
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