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Monday, August 08, 2011

Stories to Watch: 8/8/11

What a day. The less said about it, the better. I'm sure you feel the same way. Now here's the news...

While America is consumed with America, a huge story is being missed coming out of the UK.

A Newsweek cover photo show's Michele Bachmann looking characteristically unhinged. So, of course, it's time for another round of Conservatives Playing the Victim Card! The question they dare not ask: why is it that it's so damned easy to find a photo of Shelly looking insane?

We're talking about swing states already. Gallup shows that Obama's approvals are rising in 16 states that matter.

Rick Perry says he'll announce his presidential "intentions" on Saturday.

A refreshing breath of sanity; Thomas Holbrook, Professor of Political Science at UW-Milwaukee, points out that it's way too early to start predicting Obama chances in 2012. Don't expect the punditry to listen.

Finally, Eric Cantor really is an extremely irresponsible idiot.
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