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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Stories to Watch: 9/11/11

It's going to be a short one today. The tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks is pretty much blotting out the news-gathering sun today. Now here's the news...


Paul Krugman -- like myself and so many others -- believes it's shameful the way the right has hijacked 9/11, waving it around like a bloody shirt to score political points. The latest sorry-assed example of this cheap political hackery; Herman Cain tap dances on the grave of 3,000 people with an ad that is nothing but pure 9/11 porn. What's the argument here, Herman? That 9/11 was bad, so you need to be president? Here's a little advice for you:

That's right, have a point. And not the kind you'd wear a hat to cover.


Needless to say, Krugman's opinion is the worst thing ever. One is only allowed to say bad things about liberals and Muslims on the anniversary of 9/11.

Remember the "Ground Zero Mosque?" Yeah, in order to win Anthony Weiner's seat, Republicans are bringing the hate back. See above item for context.

RIP Cliff Robertson.

John McCain is making shit up again.

Finally, there are pieces of the World Trade Center on Mars. No, really.
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