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Friday, September 16, 2011

Stories to Watch: 9/16/11

It's been freakin' cold around here. Well, cool anyway. By spring, I'm sure I'll consider the low 60s to be just like summer. Now here's the news...

Texas schools are quietly abandoning abstinence-only sex ed. Mostly because it's been such a failure. Not good news for Rick Perry, who's currently playing the super-Christian for the fact-free base.

Matt Yglesias points out that the math in Social Security privatization schemes doesn't work.

Krugman weighs in on the "cheers for dead patients" moment at the CNN GOP debate.

The US Supreme Court halts the Texas execution of Duane Buck, who was put on death row after "jurors were told he posed a greater danger to public safety because he is black." Rick Perry refused to intervene, because it's hard to set records for executions when you're all worried about justice and racism.

David Brooks wrote something stupid again. John Boehner was a liar again. Liz Cheney made a ridiculous claim again.

Congressional approvals hit an all time low in a NYT/CBS poll. A Bloomberg poll finds that people blame Republicans.

Finally, a measure of how credible people think Republicans are; the more GOP candidates talk about how much they disbelieve in anthropogenic global warming, the more the public believes in it.
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