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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/15/11

I'm just kind of on cruise control here until tomorrow night, when Walking Dead comes back to AMC after a long, long zombie-free year. Nice of the network to immediately put up WD after the season finale of Breaking Bad, though. Doesn't mess with my schedule. Now here's the news...

Complaints that the 99-percenters are aimless and unfocused die as a detailed document regarding the future of the movement emerges from Zucotti Park.

Meanwhile, the 1% totally underestimate what they're facing.

The Occupy Wall Street movement goes global, making it a lot harder to argue that it's just a front for the Democratic Party.

How eager is Rush Limbaugh to oppose pretty much anything President Obama does? So eager that he'd side with a militarized cult with a record of human rights abuses including "the abduction, rape, maiming, and killing of civilians, including children." This puts him to the right of even Sen. James Inhofe -- which is quite an accomplishment. For the record, Rush Limbaugh is a freakin' awful person and a useless, useless hack.

Herman Cain says he's not as stupid about foreign policy as everyone thinks he is -- he's super-duper wonky-smart about it, but he's keeping that a secret. No, really.

On the subject of the unstoppable Cain Train; Steve Kornacki believes it could be a little as 48 hours before it ends in a trainwreck.

Finally,public support for the death penalty is still high, but moving in the right direction.
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