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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/19/11

Great show last night and today the faucet's fixed. Got a tiny leak in the pipe that a plumber's going to have to look at though. Now here's the news...

In order to generate headlines for a by now almost forgotten campaign, Rick Perry embraces the flat tax. At a time when the majority of Americans support raising taxes on the wealthy, this is a desperate ploy to find a flag fringe Republicans will rally around.

If there's one person who would be the last I'd check with to see what Martin Luther King would've thought about something, it just might be Allen West.

Writer and activist Naomi Wolf is arrested in relation to Occupy Wall Street protests. Her take here.

Sen. Jim DeMint can shut the hell up about what is and isn't constitutional now. Hey Jim, ever hear of a thing called the "First Amendment?"

Rick Santorum wages war on contraception.

A Republican Rep. holds what she calls a "townhall meeting," but asks the local paper not to publish a notice of the event. See, if everyone knows about it, then its much less likely that the only questions Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler would receive would be along the lines of "why are you so awesome?"

Just how awful is Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan? This awful. Seriously, follow this link.

Finally, in a surprise to absolutely no one, an AP analysis of a South Carolina voter ID bill shows it would hit blacks the hardest. It's like I always say, look out when a Republican tells you they want change -- all it means is that they want to change something back to the way it was when it sucked.
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