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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/22/11

I'm going to take another whack at sourdough bread. This time, I'll knead it after it comes out of the bread machine and divide it into two loaves so it's not in the oven for as long (the crusts have been a little too crusty, even for sourdough). We'll see how that works out. Now here's the news...

The UPenn campus paper publishes Eric Cantor's speech on income inequality. You know, the one he cancelled after it became clear the audience wouldn't be sycophantic? Here's a fun game: use your browser to search for the words "income" and "inequality" in the text. It's very instructive.

Steve Benen reviews Cantor's undelivered speech; "After having read it, it seems Cantor probably made a wise choice canceling at the last minute." The speech in a nutshell; "Trickle down economics will work this time. I swear!" Anyone who'd give this steaming pile of a speech deserves to be heckled.

Unfortunately for Eric, he doesn't actually have to be there to be protested.

The new conservative spin; President Obama won the war in Iraq wrong.

Proof that global warming denial is an article of faith, not a scientific position; after a Koch-funded study led by a climate skeptic confirms anthropogenic global warming, the deniers are still denying.

Electric car companies are using federal money to create jobs in America. Needless to say, it's the worst thing ever.

Finally, Karl Rove's super-secret American Crossroads PAC warns the GOP that Obama's "tax the rich" rhetoric is working; "our poll found that 64% favor raising taxes on people with incomes above $200,000."
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