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Sunday, October 09, 2011

Stories to Watch: 10/9/11

It's going to be pushing 80 around here today, so baking bread is out. I'll make pitas, since I use a griddle for those. Now here's the news...

Ezra Klein has a great piece up about the economic meltdown and everyone's reaction to it. It's hard to summarize other than to say it's about an administration that inherited an economy that was completely FUBAR. It's a long one, but worth it.

The 99-percenter movement is occupying the internet and the nation.

A writer for the rightwing American Spectator decides not to be a spectator, but to join in on the 99% movement in order "to mock and undermine" the protesters. Firedoglake calls Patrick Howley an "agent provocateur," reminding me of another really stupid idea another really stupid wingnut once had. Bonus fun: Howley ridicules the bulk of the protesters for obeying the law, while he was the one with the guts to break it -- by being the only one to succeed in trespassing at the Air and Space Museum. DC police, that's Patrick Howley, Assistant Editor of The American Spectator, 1611 North Kent Street, Suite 901, Arlington, Virginia, 22209. He's probably home today washing all the mace out of his clothes, but you can most likely arrest him in his office Monday. No need to thank me officers, just doing my duty as a citizen. If it's possible to charge someone with being a smug little dickweed, go ahead and throw that in too.

Ron Paul supporters rig the Values Voters Summit straw poll and Ron wins. That means he's totally going to be the president!!!

A rightwing pundit takes to Fox News to argue that there isn't enough starvation in America. No, really.

Herman Cain really is an idiot.

Finally, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's pay cut scheme for government workers is typically Republican -- i.e., bass-ackward, unfair, and easiest on the wealthy. The more you make, the smaller your pay cut. If you're making $25,000 a year, you loose 15.8% of your income in benefits. If you make $125,000, your cut is about half that. These people are shameless.
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