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Monday, November 21, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/21/11

Running a little late today, but I got the headlines together. Now here's the news...

Newt Gingrich tops a new CNN poll at 24%, with Mittens following at 20%.

The media are up to their old tricks with the failure of the super committee; i.e., "both sides are equally guilty." Greg Sargent calls them on it.

A lot of lefties are happy with the committee's collapse. They should probably cork the champagne though, since I'm pretty sure the automatic cuts are never going to happen.

Old news, but I skipped the weekend to celebrate my birthday; lobbyists spell out their PR assault on the Occupy movement.

Gallup finds that, compared with last month, there has been no change in support for the Occupiers. On the downside, more are critical of the approach.

Boehner blames the super committee's failure on -- who else? -- President Obama. Smarter and more realistic analysts will point their fingers at Grover Norquist.

Finally, Pamella Geller has snapped completely. According to her, Butterball turkeys are part of the secret Islamification of America. No, really.
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