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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/22/11

I'm not posting to Griper Blade this week, to give me more time to do that whole Thanksgiving thing. I'm raising some sourdough right now and I should be able to bake it later tonight. Then I'll freeze it until the big day. My bread has been turning out well lately, so it should be a nice addition to the feast. Now here's the news...

When it comes to climate, the media really are chumps.

Another GOP debate to skip.

Dems are standing by Occupy Wall Street -- even as OWS isn't necessarily standing with them.

David Brooks wrote something stupid again.

A pregnant Seattle protester miscarries after being subjected to police abuse at an Occupy protest. Time for all the "pro-life" types to start freaking out of police brutality -- but we all know they won't. I'm guessing "abortion-by-cop" is going to be A-OK with them.

Finally, Republicans say that businesses are overtaxed and over-regulated. Business owners disagree.

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