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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/30/11

Got some Walker-recally stuff going on here, so the headlines are a little late. Tomorrow, I'll have to skip them altogether. Worth it, though. Now here's the news...

Hey, remember how silly it was for people to say the Fukushima Daiichi was near full meltdown? Hahahaha! Yes, that sure was dumb. And how people worried that it might cause illness? Hahahaha! Stop! It's totally fine.

The rightwing National Review's Jim Geraghty is apparently no fan of Newt Gingrich. In a post, he lists off a whole bunch of crazy and stupid things Newt has said or proposed. I'd edit his list shorter, since Geraghty's idea of "crazy" includes "vaguely liberal," but there's still some gold in there.

And shut up Newt, you were a lobbyist. Lobbyist, lobbyist, lobbyist. If you're ashamed of it now, you never should've signed up for it. As speaker, your favorite phrase was "personal responsibility." Time to practice it.

I'm not a big fan of Rick Perry, but CNN seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel here. In speaking about New Hampshire, Perry says "caucuses," instead of "primaries." Oooh! Big gaffe, big scoop -- stop the presses!

Another Iranian nuclear facility has exploded. Either the Iranians are hopelessly inept or they're under attack.

Still don't understand what's up with the Occupy movement? It's shit like this.

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg goes all James Bond villain. We better give him what he wants or he'll destroy the moon or something.

When do Republicans think tax cuts need to be paid for? When they're for you. When they're for bazillionaires, not so much.

A win for labor.

Finally, Michele Bachmann doesn't know what "scientific" means? Imagine my shock.

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