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Thursday, November 03, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/3/11

Purported details of one of the incidents that got Herman Cain in hot water are published by -- of all places -- Pajamas Media. If true, it's really, really, really, really, really, really bad.

In related news, it looks like Team Cain has run out of people to blame.

A 'bagger calls Elizabeth Warren a "socialist whore" at an appearance before campaign volunteers, because they're classy like that. She handled it with grace. Oh, and he was a birther, too. What joys these people are.

Nate Silver gives Obama a 50/50 at reelection. Not a big fan of those odds. Still, it's a long way to go to the election.

Still wondering what the Occupy movement is about? Try this. Not good enough? How about this?

Nearly half of Floridian respondents to a poll said they believed the GOP "are intentionally hindering efforts to boost the economy so that President Barack Obama will not be reelected." It's one state, but "[I]t’s a large, diverse swing state that both parties take very seriously" and may be indicative of the US as a whole, says Steve Benen.

Rick Santorum is still an ass -- I guess because it's been working so well for him so far. At this rate, all he needs is for every, single other GOP candidate to literally die off and he just might have a shot at the nomination.

Occupy Mitch McConnell!

Republicans filibuster a major infrastructure bill, because jobs and roads and bridges and stuff are socialism.

Finally, who are the 1%? We may just find out.
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