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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Stories to Watch: 11/8/11

More fun with RSS feeds. After putting together the Progressive News Must-Read Superfeed, I wanted to do something with it that was easy. So I fed it into the Progressive News Must-Read Twitterfeed. That's basically a bot account that tweets the first item at the moment in the Superfeed, once every half hour -- I'll crank that up later, but I have to do some research on it first. I'm not sure offhand how many hits I can send to Twitter's API in a day. It's nowhere near as comprehensive as the Superfeed, but it gets the job done when you're on Twitter. I'll put icons for all this stuff on my blogs later -- probably this weekend, if not sooner. Now here's the news...

A second Cain accuser steps forward.

Erick Erick joins the anti-Mittens jihad, which is going to be embarrassing when Romney wins the nomination and all the righties try to pretend he's the best thing ever.

President Obama threatens to veto an anti-net-neutrality bill if it reaches his desk.

The Affordable Care Act passes constitutional muster in a very conservative court.

OWS is on the right track; income inequality works really well for the Wall Street crowd.

Republican dirty tricks in the Ohio elections.

In Italy, Silvio Berllusconi says he's ready to resign.

Gallup finds that GOP voters are beginning to realize that Herman Cain probably isn't a wonderful guy.

Finally, watch to see how these races turn out tonight.
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