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Monday, September 17, 2012

Fox & Friends conducts the worst interview ever

Fox's Gretchen Carlson gets punked by a supposedly "former Obama supporter." The interviewee is actually Max Rice, an aspiring comedian who set out to prove "Fox News is a fake news organization."
Raw Story:
Speaking to Raw Story on the phone Monday morning, the man who pranked Fox News said he’s always believed “Fox News is a fake news organization,” and explained that he wanted to shame the conservative television channel for being “stupid” and looking for interview subjects as if they were “casting a part in a show.”
Rice said that the opportunity to go on national television “kind of fell into my lap” when “a friend of a friend” got a text message asking if anyone knew a recent college graduate who can’t get a job and is voting for Mitt Romney. “I’m like, hell yeah I’m a college graduate. Eff Obama!” he said. “20 emails later with the producer at Fox, they’re telling me what to say. It’s such bullshit. It’s so ridiculous.”
Rice told Raw Story that he in fact dropped out of college, but lied to Fox News about it just to see if they’d do their homework.
“The first thing that shocked me is that they were that desperate to find someone that fit that category,” he added. “What they were seeking is someone who voted for Obama in 2008, then somewhere in the last four years got disenfranchised [sic] and now is a huge Romney supporter. But I feel like anyone who fits that mold would also diss Romney at the same time. So, they just couldn’t find anyone. They’re in New York City, so they had to go find a kid in Chicago.”
Rice went on to say that he initially convinced them to do “a three person interview” with two of his friends, but a Fox News producer nixed that plan upon hearing a voice mail recording by one of the other guests that mimed the pedophile character from Fox’s “Family Guy.” They considered that to be “a liability,” Rice said, noting that they apparently didn’t see his vulgar, incendiary stand-up routine on YouTube. “[The producer] obviously had never seen ‘Family Guy’ before either,” Rice added.
“They were so happy that I fit the mold and that I was Caucasian,” he continued. “They were just casting a part in a show. They were so stupid… I’m a kid messing around. They had 10 days to ask for my driver’s license. They saw my [high school] commencement speech video, but they’re too stupid to realize that if I graduated in 2010, I wouldn’t graduate college until 2014. That’s why I was so awkward in the interview. I wasn’t going to lie.”
“I want this story to get out because I think it’s bigger than just me,” he concluded.

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