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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stories to Watch: 9/19/12

The sort of headline Team Romney does not want to see, from Pew: "Obama Ahead with Stronger Support, Better Image and Lead on Most Issues." Meanwhile, Gallup finds that the 47% debacle really is hurting Romney. The news from Reuters/Ipsos is even worse for him. As Mitt panics, things are very likely to get very stupid, so strap in.

In fact, there are eleven news swing state polls out today and Mittens leads in none of them.

The next time you hear a Republican say they're focused on jobs, go ahead and laugh bitterly.

Orrin Hatch is the latest Republican to freak out over fact-checkers.

When it comes to defending voter ID laws, Republicans simply cannot avoid resorting to racial stereotypes.

There is less arctic sea ice today than at any other time in recorded history.

Finally, Republicans are beginning to get very nervous about Mitt Romney's chances.

[cartoon courtesy of Truthdig]

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