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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stories to Watch: 9/20/12

Now that it's been revealed that his dad received assistance, Mitt Romney has a totally new position on welfare. The only thing he seems to believe is that Mitt Romney really, really needs to be president -- otherwise, complete nihilism. He'll turn on a dime on anything.

Team Obama puts together a video made up of out-of-context Mitt Romney clips, to show how ridiculously dishonest Mitt's campaign has been with Obama quotes. Big surprise: Mitt fails to get the message.

In a new batch of swing state polls, Mitt leads in one -- and that's a Florida poll in disagreement with two other Florida polls.

This is awesome; a brief history of the United States -- put together from quotes from conservatives getting history all balled up and wrong. These people really are complete boobs.

Scott Brown tries to duck a debate with Elizabeth Warren, Harry Reid slaps down his excuse.

T-Paw quits the Romney campaign. The first to ditch the sinking ship?

Finally, racists really liked Clint Eastwood's empty chair routine.

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