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Friday, September 21, 2012

Stories to Watch: 9/21/12

Univision takes the blame for Mitt's orangey appearance on their network.

Another day, another swing state poll showing Romney falling behind.

"Tens of thousands" of Libyans turned out to call for the disbanding of the militia that may have been responsible for the death of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and the rise of extremism. Don't expect that story to make headlines in the rightwing blogosphere, since it completely undermines their Islamophobic narrative.

Wingnut "historian" David Barton is a clown. Geraldo Rivera is a jackass.

When the AARP booed Paul Ryan, they probably didn't even know what he really thought of them. If they had, they might've run him out of the auditorium on a rail.

Gallup finds that the odds are you don't trust the media. Good for you.

The Romney campaign is running out of dough as large donors jump ship.

The rightwing conspiracy theory of the day: Team Obama is strong-arming pollsters to skew samples, making Mitt Romney seem like a loser and demoralizing voters so they stay home on election day. Pay attention to stuff like this, because these will be the new "birther" theories about how Obama "stole" the election if Mittens does lose. It doesn't help that this one comes from a mainstream (although completely insane) publication like The National Review.

Finally, if you criticize Mitt Romney, you might get kicked out of the Church of Latter Day Saints.

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