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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Stories to Watch: 9/6/12

Today's photo exists, in part, because Secretaries of State are barred by law from attending party conventions. That seems like kind of a pointless law to me.

This is kind of weird: Mitt Romney makes a big ad buy -- $4.5 million -- that doesn't include Wisconsin. After choosing Paul Ryan, he was actually making some headway here (everyone either has it as a tossup or "barely leans dem") and now it seems he's abandoned the state. Maybe his internals predicted a darker future in the Badger State than other polling or maybe he's found an easier way to score the necessary electoral math. The biggest winner in this story may be Rep. Tammy Baldwin and her run for senate. In any case, it's just odd.

Speaking of Tammy, her opponent -- former Gov. Tommy Thompson -- is running a seriously dickish campaign.

This may turn into some weird Republican talking point.

Dick Morris may literally be insane.

Sandra Fluke's DNC speech brings the knuckledragging conservative assholes out of the woodwork.

Did Mitt Romney wind up with a post-convention anti-bounce?

Finally, reason #6,822,582 why I'm not a conservative: The rightwing lives in a world where this is a perfectly sensible prediction, but global warming is crazy horseshit.

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