The case for ignoring post-debate "snap polls."
As is often the case, Kevin Drum is a voice of reason and sanity.
A pre-debate observation of my own: President Obama has a bad habit of letting things drift off course, then steering everything back in the right direction at the last minute. We saw it with the Affordable Care Act and the debt ceiling negotiations (Republicans did cave on that one, but Moodys dropped the credit rating anyway). We saw it during the last presidential primary against Hillary Clinton and in the last general election where John McCain slipped ahead in September. This is what he does. It's infuriating and frustrating and stomach-churning, but this is what he does.
You can change core religious beliefs as easily as shoes, it appears -- unless it's about gays or abortion.
Louie Gohmert, America's Dumbest Man, says America is worse off now than it was under slavery. Spoiler alert: Louie's a white fella.
Yes, the whole concept is tired. Yes, it's cliched. But here's a "what to watch for in the debate tonight" post that's probably worth your time.
"If You Don't Vote, You're a Loser." Truer words have never been spoken.
The Romney campaign leaks debate strategy: Romney's going to attack Obama as a wussy-pants pansy man. This probably means that Mitt won't attack Obama as a wussy-pants pansy man. They're just trying to get the president to prepare to counter the wrong strategy. Has that ever worked for anyone?
[cartoon via McClatchy Newspapers]