There are still five unresolved House races -- and the Democrat leads in all of them.
Somewhat related: after an embarrassingly slow vote count, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona becomes the first openly bisexual member of congress.
The dog whistle in Republicans' "free stuff" argument.
The possible coming GOP civil war over taxes and the fiscal cliff.
A top geneticist says humans are getting... What d'y'call it?... dumber. Case in point: Grover Norquist.
Conservative media doesn't care whether it's hurting the Republican Party.
Need a real world example of denial? Here ya go: Romney political director Rich Beeson says Mitt's "ground game worked fine." If you put aside that whole "Obama winning" thing, everything went gangbusters.
DC insiders' best guesses at the 2016 GOP nominee: Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, or Jeb Bush.
Finally, Donald Trump's designer crap could become a victim of Donald Trump's crashing reputation.
[photo via AP]