Michigan officially passes "right-to-work" legislation.We've got to come up with a better name for these laws, because "right to work" is bullshit. "Right to work for less" has been going around, but it seems kind of wordy. "Right to be serfs?"
Who says being an obstructionist jerk doesn't get people's attention? Mitch McConnell is now officially the least liked Senator in America.
Nate Silver on why Hillary Clinton looks good for 2016. Meanwhile, the GOP is terrified she may run.
Glenn Beck is still a horse's ass.
Bill Clinton admits that drugs won the "War on Drugs."
For some reason that isn't immediately clear to me (I suppose my sanity gets in the way), Republicans think they've got some leverage for a debt ceiling fight next year.
Boehner complains that Obama's not offering enough spending cuts, while refusing to name any cuts he'd like to see. This is monotonous.
Dead people and corporation-haters are liking brands on Facebook, which seems a little fishy.
Finally, Republican campaign consultant Scott Tranter spills the beans and admits that voter ID and the like are all about voter suppression.
[photo via ThinkProgress]