Today the Senate will make history, swearing in a record-breaking 20 female senators — four Republicans and 16 Democrats — in office.
“I can’t tell you the joy that I feel in my heart to look at these 20 gifted and talented women from two different parties, different zip codes to fill this room,” Sen. Barbara Mikulksi, D-Md., said while surrounded by the group of women senators. “In all of American history only 16 women had served. Now there are 20 of us.”
Meanwhile, in Crazytown:
A conservative women’s group sees an historic number of women being sworn into the Senate on Thursday as a negative development.
Independent Women’s Forum Executive Director Sabrina Schaeffer said in a statement that the increase in women, because they are mostly Democratic women, will be harmful for government.
“While a lot is being made about the record number of women joining the Senate, the reality is the majority of these women are Democrats – 16 of the 20 – and as a result we are likely to see higher taxes, bigger government, and less freedom,” she said.
Ever think there might be a reason why 16 of the 20 are Democrats? Keep waging that War on Women, conservatives. It’s working out so well for you.