Time Warner Cable bans certain ads featuring guns. Is it in reaction to the NRA's latest festering swamp of an ad? Almost certainly.
The TSA will phase out their "naked scanners."
Racist anti-science in public education? That's gotta be Texas.
Democrats are less than impressed with Republicans' unconvincing attempt to pretend they have any debt limit leverage. Not even The Black Adder thinks they've got a leg to stand on.
Either Gallup broke up with USA Today or USA Today broke up with Gallup. Either way, the survey organization won't be doing the paper's polling anymore.
David Brooks wrote something stupid again.
Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin faces 21 corruption charges.
Stephen Colbert's sister plans to run for congress in South Carolina. Here's why this could be extremely awesome -- her opponent may be the scandal-plagued former governor Mark Sanford.
Under Republican leadership, the House Science and Technology Committee is kind of like most science fiction in popular culture -- a lot of fiction, not a whole lot of actual science.
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey doesn't seem to be a very smart man.
[cartoon via Truthdig]