In preparation for the debt limit fight, Republicans are repeating a huge mistake made by the Romney campaign -- selective reading of polling data.
It's looking like Chuck Hagel will be nominated to head up Defense.
The Tea Party group Freedomworks paid Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to fundraise for them -- and they both really sucked at it. They got paid more than they raised, meaning Freedomworks lost money by throwing insane amounts of cash at celebrity endorsers. That there's what you call yer "fiscal conservatism."
Sen. John Cornyn is either completely ignorant of what the debt ceiling actually is or he's a shameless liar. Guess which horse my money's on?
Minting a trillion dollar platinum coin to sidestep a debt ceiling fight? It sounds crazy, because it is. It's also definitely worth at least considering. At the very least, the White House should signal that they're open to the idea, in order to take the wind out of Republican sails.
The most insane finding in an appeal of a rape verdict you'll see in a long, long time (I hope).
A reminder: the fiscal cliff fight isn't actually over.
Conservative austerity isn't working out all that great for the UK -- or anybody.
Finally, an alert to any media types out there: this is how you talk about guns and gun violence. Get on it.
[photo via Associated Press]