That was fast. John Kerry is your next Secretary of State. The confirmation was a cakewalk. He'll formally take over from Hillary Clinton on Friday.
Today's winner of the NRA Second Amendment Hero Prize for Eternal Vigilance: Phillip Walker Sailors who, bravely and without hesitation or warning, gunned down a 22 year-old for the crime of pulling into Sailors' driveway by mistake. Stupidity on its own is merely irritating. It takes a gun to make it deadly.
Somewhat related: Fox News interviews noted face-shooter Dick Cheney about gun control. You just let that sink in.
Rand Paul apparently enjoys making shit up to support insane conspiracy theories. This makes him your typical Republican, unfortunately.
According to Fox News' Kirsten Powers, Pres. Obama plans to burn her network to the ground, scatter it's employees to the four winds, and poison the soil under the ruins with salt, so nothing will ever grow there again. She bases most of her argument on evidence uncovered by what seems to be psychic mindreading powers -- so you know it's rock-solid. Watch out for her next op-ed, titled, "Ala-kazam! Is THIS your card?"
You know all that "runaway spending" you've been hearing about? You'll be happy to learn it's horseshit.
David Brooks wrote something stupid again.
File under kinda surprising, kinda not: Rick Perry looks like a sure bet to lose the Texas governorship, as even Republican voters think he's a massive tool. Don't celebrate yet, though. If he loses, it'll be to a Tea Party loon who won't be any better.
Former Guatemalan dictator Jose Efrain Rios Montt will stand trial for genocide. Let's not mention that it was a US-backed genocide or that then-president Ronald Reagan waved away charges of backing a monster by saying RĂos Montt was "getting a bum rap on human rights." Reagan wasn't mistaken when he said that, he was just lying.
Closing the gun show loophole is looking more and more like a good bet.
Finally, Greg Sargent forecasts that immigration reform faces a tough -- but not impossible to win -- fight in the House. If it fails, blame Republicans. Latinos sure will.
[photo via NPR]