A little background on this one; Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke recently cut a "PSA" informing the public that he was an incompetent ass who couldn't possibly be expected to do his damned job, so residents should forget about calling 9/11 and just shoot people. Sure, he sugarcoated it, but that's the gist of it. The whole thing was basically an infomercial to sell guns, because Clarke is a corporate stooge and an NRA tool. Anyway, a Milwaukee woman took him up on that and fired a pistol in the air during a domestic dispute with her niece. Makisha Cooper told police that "that she knows her rights regarding having a firearm because she heard Sheriff Clarke on the radio stating that she could own a gun to protect herself." She now faces up to 18 months in prison and $20,000 in fines for following Clarke's really stellar advice. Luckily no one was killed. The sheriff should be run out of town.
A rightwing survivalist nutjob shot and killed an Alabama school bus driver today, then took an autistic 6 year-old kid hostage. Patriot Jimmy Lee Dykes is today's recipient of the NRA Second Amendment Hero Award. He's currently using his freedoms to protect himself from government tyranny -- or as a commie would put it, "engaging in an armed standoff with police." Those always go so well for everyone involved.
The Stupidest Thing Anyone Is Likely To Say All Week Award goes to Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander, for this gem; "I think video games is a bigger problem than guns, because video games affect people." Yeah, go ask Gabrielle Giffords or the parents in Sandy Hook how it feels to be so completely unaffected by gun violence. If you needed more proof that Republicans are way out in Lala-Land on this issue, there ya go.
Jim Nabors, famous for playing Gomer Pyle in Gomer Pyle, USMC and The Andy Griffith Show, got married in Hawaii to "his companion of 38 years, Stan Cadwallader." He's 84 years old and it's a pity he had to wait for so long.
Two top conservative leaders are racists. Not in the "this one thing they did once suggests they might be racist" way, but in a "they gave buttloads of money to the Hooray for Racists Fan Club" way.
Another day, another step closer to universal background checks for gun purchasers.
I'm not sure Rand Paul really gets what Libertarianism is all about. Hint: Libertarians don't take Authoritarian stances.
Israel bombs a weapons convoy in Syria.
Yes, the father of a murdered Sandy Hook child was heckled by gun freaks at a Connecticut hearing on gun violence. The audience doesn't get to just shout things out during testimony. Any other take is bullshit. It's not even a matter of semantics. Wingnut bloggers are so ashamed by the things gun nuts do that they'll deny reality to cover it up.
Finally, it's not really news, just something it pays to remember: history shows that we really need to watch out for people who feel the need to hang flags all over the place.
[image via AP]