Talking Points Memo:
At a joint press conference Tuesday with a Republican state senator
from Minnesota, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was rushed out of the room
by aides and shielded from reporters as soon as she was questioned about
potential ethics violations committed during her 2012 presidential
campaign, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported.
Bachmann was conducting the press conference with state Sen. Sean
Nienow (R) to discuss problems related to Medicaid reimbursement rates.
But the congresswoman and tea party champion was ultimately asked about
allegations of campaign finance violations from her White House bid last
year, which could lead to an investigation by the House Ethics Committee.
When that subject was broached, “aides closed in blocking reporters
and photographers and ushered her out of the room,” according to the
Star Tribune.
This is actually the second time Shelly’s hightailed it away from embarrassing questions in recent weeks. Just last month,
she practically took off running from CNN’s Dana Bash who was asking about the same thing.
If Bachmann had managed against all odds to become president, I’d
imagine all her press conferences would end the same way; about 15
minutes in someone would ask something she wasn’t prepared to answer,
and she’d say, “Ooh fer goodness sake! Would’ya lookit the time. I gotta
go. It’s been real fun. Let’s do it again sometime!”