The Hill:
House Republicans last week proposed legislation that would suspend the
ability of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to conduct audits until
the IRS itself is audited by Congress.
The bill, from Rep. John Fleming (R-La.), is the latest in a string
of measures that have been offered in the wake of the IRS’s admission it
applied extra scrutiny to conservative groups over the last few years.
Republicans have said those activities were politically motivated and
went unreported by senior Obama administration officials in the run-up
to the 2012 election.
“We’re seeing the tip of the iceberg,” Fleming said last week. “Tea
party groups, conservative professors, opinion makers who dared to speak
out against Obama, and even Billy Graham were targeted for
interrogations that dug into private records, seeking information on
everything from donor names to Facebook posts.
See, here’s the thing though; that’s not the problem. “I hate to keep
confusing the ‘narrative’ with facts, but when it comes to the
we aren’t talking about tax audits,”
Ed Kilgore clarifies.
“These were reviews of applications that nobody was required to submit,
and that nobody needed to submit unless they were pretty sure they were
on the borders of political activities incompatible with tax-exempt
status (otherwise, they could just file their tax returns like anyone
else and claim tax-exempt status). As for the Graham ‘charities,’ these
were 501(c)(3)s that are subject to much stricter scrutiny, and were
gearing up for a massive political ad campaign in North Carolina in
favor of a same-sex marriage ban. Even then, nobody was kicking down
Billy Graham’s door and seizing his files or assets; it was a review of
the organizations’ status, which was quickly concluded.”
Fleming’s bill isn’t designed to address any real problem, but
instead is meant to confuse people about the nature of the IRS
controversy. He — along with a lot of other Republicans — wants you to
believe that the IRS was ready to throw people in jail, rather than just
asking them to fill out a little extra paperwork… That is, if they
wanted to. They could always just refuse. In any case, no one was being audited — this is bullshit.
“It’s all based on a lie bordering on a Big Lie,” Kilgore says. It
doesn’t qualify as the Big Lie because they aren’t actually saying it
straight out. They’re supplying you with misleading information and
letting you fill in the blanks, making up your own Big Lie.
I think Kilgore’s giving Fleming way too much credit for honesty. If
he gets off the liar charge, it’s only on a technicality. The result is
the same, after all.