Raw Story: Police say that a Florida man who shot himself at a bowling alley in Jupiter will not be charged with a crime.According to local station WPTV, “Several witnesses said that the gun was in the bowler’s pocket when it went off, terrifying other players.” You’d think they’d be used to this sort of thing, since the bowling alley in Jupiter, FL is obviously such a hotbed of hellish violence that our Second Amendment Hero here considered it madness to enter without packing heat.
Jupiter Police told WPBF that the man was bowling with a gun in the pocket of his shorts at Jupiter Lanes at around 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday when the incident occurred.
“The guy just stepped up to bowl,” Jim Miller recalled. “I think he hit his leg on his back swing.”
“The ball hit him in the leg, which triggered the revolver,” Mike Martin, who also witnessed the shooting, added.
And look at how effective his firearm was in keeping Mr. Responsible Gun Owner safe — i.e., total failure.
But hey, at least the man won’t be charged for accidentally discharging his firearm in a place where people gather together for quality family time. These things will happen. And if we start charging people for accidentally shooting themselves at bowling alleys, what’s next? Miniature golf courses? The circus? Chuck E. Cheese’s?
People might get the idea that it’s a little irresponsible to carry loaded guns in places where there are a lot children present. And then who would
[photo by FaceMePLS]