Raw Story: Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Thursday thanked the Fox News channel for everything they had done to promote the idea that President Barack Obama’s administration deliberately allowed four Americans to die in Benghazi, Libya last year.Of course, if the Obama administration was trying to cover up “any reference to terrorism,” they pretty much failed immediately, since the President called it an “act of terror” the very next day. Viewers of Fox were probably disappointed, since the wall-to-wall coverage was of a yawnfest that turned up nothing new.
Following a day of near wall-to-wall Fox News coverage of the House Oversight Committee hearings on Benghazi, Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy asked Rubio for a reaction.
“Very insightful and there’s a lot more to be learned now,” the Florida Republican opined. “Here’s what we know about Benghazi. First of all, that post probably shouldn’t have been opened. And the people in charge, Secretary Clinton and the State Department, they had a steady stream of reporting that showed how dangerous it was.”
“You know, I just want to congratulate those like Fox News and others that have kept on this issue,” he added. “Because this is not about politics. This is about accountability. Someone needs to be held accountable for what’s happened here. But it’s also about preventing this from happening in the future.”
Rubio asserted that the administration had tried to cover up “any reference to terrorism” because of political motivations during an election year.
But Rubio and other Republicans are pleased as punch with Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda shop, since this whole Benghazi “scandal” is such an obvious load of horseshit that no one other than Fox will give it more than passing mention. According to the report, “Even Fox News host Megyn Kelly observed during the Wednesday hearings that the network had gotten a ‘little lopsided’ by favoring Republicans.”
If it weren’t for Fox, the Benghazi hearings would be a lame sideshow without a barker. As it is, it’s a lame sideshow with various every Foxbot trying to lure rubes off the midway with false promises to shock and amaze.
Related: Jon Stewart rips conservative attempts to create Benghazi hysteria to shreds.