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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Today in responsible gun ownership…

Galley poses with assault weapon
New York Post: A young woman was shot dead after jumping out of a closet where she was hiding to surprise a friend.

Premila Lal, 18, was killed when the startled friend, Nerrek Daniel Galley, 21, reportedly shot her in a Longmont, Colorado home.

After the prank went awry , Galley and two of Lal’s male relatives, one of them believed to be her 15-year-old brother, carried the victim to a car and took her to hospital, a neighbor told the Longmont Times-Call.

But she died shortly afterward.
According to the report, Galley “was arrested on suspicion of child abuse and reckless endangerment.” He is also suspected of giving a 15 year-old a handgun without his parent’s permission — a felony in Colorado.

So in short, a Second Amendment Hero — displaying the total and complete lack of courage common among Second Amendment Heroes — stood his ground against an 18 year-old girl shouting “Boo!” Apparently, his first reaction when startled is to respond with deadly force.

I’ve argued that we need to be more open to the concept of “too stupid to be allowed to own a gun.” I think I’ll expand that to include “too cowardly to own a gun.”

[photo of Nerrek Galley]

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