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Monday, December 02, 2013

GOP can’t seem to get their heads around the idea that some people might not be white Christians

NRCC tweet advertising shirt
GOP can’t seem to get their heads around the idea that some people might not be white Christians.
Buzzfeed: The National Republican Congressional Committee appears to have removed a t-shirt from its website that advocates against saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”

In a tweet last week, the NRCC promoted the t-shirt, which reads “Happy Holidays is What Liberals Say” in a Comic Sans font on the front and “Merry Christmas!” on the back, for Black Friday.

As of Monday, the shirt looks to have been removed from the NRCC website. The online store is still selling a t-shirt milder version that says “Not Afraid to Say ‘Merry Christmas.’”
Of course, “Happy Holidays” is what a lot of people say — including Jews, Muslims, Bing Crosby. and Frank Sinatra. Their phony “War on Christmas” propaganda line is a dog whistle. And to those who don’t happen to be whiny Christians eager to feel oppressed, it can sound a little intolerant. Mostly because it is.

This is the second such story in recent days. The Republican National Committee recently caught heat for posting a tweet suggesting that Rosa Parks had ended racism — a bit of historical revisionism that people who actually experience racism in their day-today lives weren’t exactly on board with.

A big part of the GOP’s problem with minorities seems to be that they don’t quite get this whole multicultural thing. They figure that if they treat you like honorary white Christians, that’s the same as not being a bigot.

And they are so wrong.

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