The Progressive: Emails released this week appear to show Governor Scott Walker’s top aides engaging in an illegal scheme to “cage” Wisconsin voters in the weeks ahead of the 2010 gubernatorial election.“Outside tea party groups bragged in 2010 that they were joining RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Wisconsin Republican Party to cage voters for Scott Walker, although Priebus denied the charge,” the report goes on.
Voter caging is an illegal campaign practice used to knock voters off the rolls. Neighborhoods with large minority concentrations are most typically targeted by caging operations.
On page 15,037 of WalkerDocs 1, an email exchange between Walker staffers Kelly Rindfleisch and Nicole Simmons spells it out pretty plainly.
“If you come this Saturday I can show you how to cage,” Simmons writes. “That will be priority on the weekend.”
At this point, I’m having a hard time understanding why Walker wasn’t charged with anything. Did prosecutors believe they couldn’t prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Scooter wasn’t just stupid and clueless? Because at this point, that seems to be the governor’s only defense.