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Monday, September 18, 2006

Fair Wisconsin's Newest Ad -- "Lynn"

Got this in my inbox today:

Today is an important day for our campaign. On television
stations across the state we'll be telling the emotional story
of Lynn and her family.

Lynn and Jean were together for 15 years when they adopted their
daughter Katy. Tragically, Jean got cancer and died soon after.
At a time that is difficult for many families, Lynn's experience
was worse simply because she is gay.

Watching the ad is the best way to understand how trying this
experience was for Lynn and Katy and to understand why rejecting
this amendment is critical to protect thousands of families in
this state.

Wisconsinites know that love and commitment deserve basic legal
protection. No one deserves to be treated like a stranger at a
hospital door when a loved one is sick or dying. When they
understand what is really on the line on November 7, they will
vote No.

Here's the ad -- it's pretty powerful.

You can view Fair Wisconsin's other ads at More info's available here;

Wisconsin has a good chance of being the first state to beat a same sex marriage ban, but only if we get the word out.



Anonymous said...

i thought america was a free country.i need to check that out again.homosexuals and unmarried couples are people too.why is the law so strict about that.we are people in love.we share everything we have with our partner.our life ourl love.we deserve the right for hospital visits.dicission they are our partners,our lives.we have taken them in our hearts just as any married couple.we dont need a piece of paper to show the world our love.its already in our heart and what is right for what is fair.dont seperate couples just because they arent bound by paper
debra collett

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