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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Gonzales Wants Your ISP Info

Since terrorism's losing its fright value, Bushco switches to child molesters to scare us into giving up our privacy.


Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday that Congress should require Internet service providers to preserve customer records, asserting that prosecutors need them to fight child pornography.

Testifying to a Senate panel, Gonzales acknowledged the concerns of some company executives who say legislation might be overly intrusive and encroach on customers' privacy rights. But he said the growing threat of child pornography over the Internet was too great.

"This is a problem that requires federal legislation," Gonzales told the Senate Banking Committee. "We need information. Information helps us makes cases."

He called the government's lack of access to customer data the biggest obstacle to deterring child porn.

If child molesters doesn't work, they'll trot out identity thieves or drug dealers or... I don't know, Wiccans or something.


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