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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Griper Blade: After Banning Same Sex Marriage, Religious Right Wants to Start on Divorce

Wisconsin, like far too many states, wrote bigotry into her constitution tuesday. Of the eight states that voted on bans of same sex marriage, only one -- Arizona -- defeated them. The people behind these bans must be very happy. Which is unfortunate for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that the people behind these bans are freakin' nuts.

Wisconsin's main backer of the ban was a group called Family Research Institute of Wisconsin, headed by Julaine Appling. To give you an idea of what Appling's idea of marriage actually is, let's turn to her own words:

Marriage isn't just a basketful of benefits; nor is it simply about love and commitment, though those are important components. Properly expressed, marriage is a deep spiritual union; it's a beautiful picture of Christ, the bridegroom and His bride, the Church; it's a uniting of body, soul and spirit in a oneness that has no earthly parallel.

In other words, if it ain't christian, it ain't marriage. There are a lot of non-christian people in the world who'd be surprised to learn that their marriages are a sham. But tolerance of other people's religions (or lack of religion) isn't exactly the religious right's strong point.

Not content to force her religion on everyone and buoyed by a victory at the polls, Appling wants to take on divorce...




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