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Monday, November 13, 2006

Griper Blade: When Bipartisanship Hits the Fan

Bush's switch from 'stay the course' to 'adjust to win' is welcome -- if he actually means it -- but was too little, too late for the electorate. The Decider decided to live in reality at pretty much the eleventh hour and actually listen to somebody for a change. And the Republicans seem to have learned a new word -- "Bipartisanship."

The 'somebody' he'll be listening to today will be the bipartisan Iraq Study Group. You get the idea that Bush knows (or at least has a good idea of) what the recommendations will be. After all, he's picked Robert Gates, who serves on the panel, to succeed Rumsfeld. It's hard to believe that Team Bush would pick a group member without knowing what the Study Group will suggest.

Where Dick Cheney had told the nation the policy in Iraq would be "full speed ahead" (what is it with these guys and nautical terms?), Bush chief of staff Josh Bolten, apparently speaking for the broader White House consensus, told talking heads on morning news shows, "We clearly need a fresh approach." You kind of hope this means that folks are done listening to Shooter. Firing Rumsfeld would suggest the same -- the neocons look like a declining force...



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