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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Warrantless Wiretaps Likely Dead

Is it just me or is it already starting to feel more like America again and less like the Soviet Union?

Associated Press:

Legislation aimed at President Bush's once-secret program for wiretapping U.S.-foreign phone calls and computer traffic of suspected terrorists without warrants shows all the signs of not moving ahead, notwithstanding President Bush's request this week that a lame-duck Congress give it to him.

Senate Democrats, emboldened by Election Day wins that put them in control of Congress as of January, say they would rather wait until next year to look at the issue. "I can't say that we won't do it, but there's no guarantee that we're going spend a lot of time on controversial measures," Democratic Whip Richard Durbin of Illinois said Thursday.

In Senate parlance, that means no.

I remember this kind of thing... We called it 'constitutional guarantees' and 'the rule of law.'


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