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Sunday, November 12, 2006

Here's a Crazy Idea -- Let's Assume Terrorist Propaganda isn't True

John Hinderacker at Power Line continues to prove he's five gallons of smart in a fifty gallon drum. After years of buying right wing propaganda, he's apparently become unable to recognize propaganda from any source.

One basic question emerging from the midterm election is: to what extent did the terrorists win? We will have a lot to say about this over the days to come, but here are a few preliminary thoughts.

I don't think there is any doubt about the fact that the terrorists, world-wide, were hoping for a Democratic victory. See, for example, this article by Aaron Klein. And the spike in violence in Iraq prior to the election was generally understood as an effort by the terrorists to help Democratic candidates.

Al Qaeda'a happiness at the election results was confirmed by Abu Ayyub al-Masri, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, in an audio tape released earlier today. If any readers have seen a complete translation, please let us know; so far, I've only seen a few quotes in news accounts. But those brief excerpts are revealing:

This is followed by al Qaeda blah, blah, blah, wank, wank, wank. Can someone introduce Hinderacker to the term 'talking smack?' Here's a crazy idea -- how about we stop giving a hot bowl about how the things we do make al Qaeda feel? Besides, how they'll feel about something is entirely predictable. They're freakin' terrorists -- if Republicans win, it makes them feel crazy, and if dems win, it makes them feel crazy. It doesn't strike me as very likely that anything we do will make them any less nuts.

Does anyone really expect terrorists to say they're unhappy with the results? "Oops! Looks like Democrats won... We're going to pack it up and go home." And does it strike anyone that Hinderacker's line of thinking basically allows al Qaeda to dictate what we do? You'd think that reverse psychology would stop working once someone gets to be about nine years old, but for some people it's good forever. Or so it seems, anyway.

What's bothered me for a long time is the fact that al Qaeda's propaganda and Bush's have basically been the same -- Bush critics help terrorism. When al Qaeda tells us something, it just might be a good idea not to believe them -- propaganda is tactical, after all.

And, since Bush's line of crap is parallel to the terrorists, that means not believing him, either.



Anonymous said...

9/11 was an inside job and thus the "war on terror" is a fraud. Al Qaeda was created by the CIA and the ISI, Pakistan's intelligence service. Insurgents in Iraq simply want their country back.

Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty sensational claims. Luckily enough, you didn't provide any form of solid evidence, so I can go ahead and ignore you.

Anonymous said...

Those are some pretty sensational claims. Luckily enough, you didn't provide any form of solid evidence, so I can go ahead and ignore you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but his accusations are true. The usa started and still funds "al-qaeda". We started the mujahadeen to fight the russians and gave them CIA weapons training and serial-free arms and stinger missile launchers. And just like the last page turner "IRAQ" (Bush 1-Clinton-Bush 2) brought to you by the thinktank Project for a New American Century the final chapters on al-qaeda are being revealed.

Don't buy this republican lie anymore. 911Blogger
Everything I said here is true.

Anonymous said...
-politicians and military operatives don't buy 911
-911 news in one spot

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Almost all "terrorism" is fabricated by government intellegence and agencies. The 9/11 events are easily identified as having a LOT to do with US intelligence agencies. Those who have yet to come to believe or even understand this have apparently chosen not to review the KNOWN evidence. Irregardless, this makes the case for government involvement in terrorism and/or 9/11 no less TRUE. Check it out for yourself, the links were already posted.

Anonymous said...

They're sellin' wolf tickets. Getting a good price, too. As for dis-information, there's a lot of it around.

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