Media Matters:
ROBERTSON: We've won the war already, and for the Democrats to say we can't win it -- what kind of a statement is that? And furthermore, one of the fundamental principles we have in America is that the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and attempts to undermine the commander in chief during time of war amounts to treason. I know we have an opportunity to express our points of view, but there is a time when we're engaged in a combat situation that carping criticism against the commander in chief just doesn't cut it. And I think that yes, we have freedom of speech -- of course we do -- but this has gone over the top and I think the Republicans are -- well, they've taken advantage.
OK, so it's not so much a prediction -- "We've won the war already..." It's more of a completely incorrect assessment of the situation. Pat's direct line to God must've had some line noise or something, because that's so obviously wrong. At least, as Pat is likely to define 'win,' anyway.
What got me thinking about Pat's BS in 2005 was an article by Sarah Posner titled As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse. The question it brought up to me was how all of these people on the 'rapture right' can get away with calling themselves patriotic (even going so far as to have a 'patriot pastor' movement), when they all hope that the next war will bring about the destruction of the United States and the end of democracy? And what sort of patriot is it who who believes they're working toward these ends?...
Tags: news | politics | Iran | war | Middle east | religious right | rapture | Patriot Pastors | treason