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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Griper Blade: Remind Me; Why are We Supposed to Care How Terrorists Feel?

Let's kill a talking point. This talking point keeps being dug up out of its logical grave, dressed up in a different outfit, and trotted out again and again as if it's some new point. "If we do X, it'll make the terrorists happy."

The current incarnation of this idiocy comes from Sen. Joe Leiberman and our brand new SecDef, Robert Gates.

Think Progress:

QUESTION: Mr. Secretary, Senator Lieberman says the Senate resolution opposing a 21,000 increase in troops would offer some encouragement to the enemy. Would you agree with that?

GATES: Well, I think it’s pretty clear that a resolution that, in effect, says that the general going out to take command of the arena shouldn’t have the resources he thinks he needs to be successful certainly emboldens the enemy and our adversaries.

Here's a nutty idea -- and one I've put forward before -- let's not give a damn what terrorists think or how things we do will make them feel.

Put the argument in reverse. If something we may do will encourage terrorists, then doing the opposite would discourage them. In this case, if everyone gets behind Bush's big 'troop surge' idea, the terrorists -- totally unemboldened and discouraged -- will pack it up, give up jihad, and stop being nuts with guns.

It's not going to happen. These guys were crazy yesterday, they're crazy today, and they'll continue to be crazy tomorrow -- no matter what we do. Does anyone really believe that it's possible for a suicide bomber to be too discouraged to commit suicide?...


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