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Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 1/27/07

-Lindsay Lohan's cold cuts-
"After her appendix was removed, Lindsay Lohan was so worried it would be sold on eBay, she asked hospital staff if she could take it home." She's reportedly keeping it in the freezer and friends are trying to get her to sell it herself. This sounds like typical tabloid bullshit to me, but Lohan's in drug rehab and more sober people have done crazier things... (Now Magazine via HuffPo)

-More Wikipedia shennanigans-
Following news that Microsoft tried to pay a blogger to punch up its Wikipedia entries, we learn that the National Institutes of Health was editing a section of one of it's agency's entries. The National Institute on Drug Abuse edited a section titled Controversial research, deleting info on growing marijuana for studies. An edit war ensued between wikipedians and the NIH that eventually reverted the entry to a stub -- it's since been restored. (The Politico)

-Morning buzz -- with sprinkles-
Dr. Robert Bohannon, a Durham, North Carolina, molecular scientist, has developed caffeinated donuts. According to the report, Bohannon "developed a way to add caffeine to baked goods, without the bitter taste of caffeine. Each piece of pastry is the equivalent of about two cups of coffee." Does anyone really doubt that people will eat these with coffee? (Associated Press)

-Environmentalists want to take over the world!-
FOX News' in house PR flack, Steven Milloy, warns of a 'eco-industrial complex.' "...remember that the Greens’ goal is to capture the corporation as a means to implement their social agenda, which goes far beyond the distraction of global warming to an unpalatable political vision that most of us would regard as socialistic," he warns. Do I need to add that Milloy once called links between second hand smoke and cancer 'a joke'? (FOX)

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