Media Matters:
O'REILLY: All right, but you say it's anti-American. You know that the Fondas and Penns are going to say, "Listen, I'm as American as you are, Michelle Malkin. I just see things differently." And I'm willing to give them the benefit of that doubt. I don't want to say that they're anti-American.
Unfortunately, his willingness to give Sean Penn the benefit of the doubt was pretty damned new. Malkin and O'Reilly were discussing his Talking Points Memo -- where O'Reilly usually pulls crazy stuff out of his ass -- which looked like this:

According to MM, "just minutes earlier during the 'Talking Points Memo' segment, onscreen text had referred to Penn as 'anti-American actor Sean Penn.'"
Blowhard Bill often accuses Media Matters of 'taking him out of context.' But it looks like 'the context' on Bill's show is constantly shifting -- one moment, he believes one thing; the next, the exact opposite.
No wonder so many of his viewers are so confused about the facts. Reality seems to be whatever O'Reilly wants it to be at any given moment.
Tags: news | politics | Bill O'Reilly | FOX | morons | Jane Fonda | Sean Penn | peace | protest | Iraq | war | bullshit
I see your point, but at the same time he could get off on the technicality of saying that he "didn't want to" not that he "wasn't going to"
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