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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Griper Blade: Giuliani in Drag -- How the Right Will Throw Away Their Best Chance at the White House

A few days ago, a Quinnipiac poll of Ohio voters came out. An early primary state, Ohio is an important battleground for both party's nominations. In that poll, Rudy Giuliani stomps John McCain for the state -- 30% to 22%. In Iowa, it's closer, but Giuliani still leads -- 25% to 21%. Nationally, McCain does even worse:

National Review:

The November 27 "Feeling Thermometer" from the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute asked 1,623 registered voters to rate the warmth of national leaders from 0 –100. "The higher the number, the warmer or more favorable you feel toward that person, the lower the number, the colder or less favorable."

Among 20 top American leaders, Rudy Giuliani is rated No. 1 with a "temperature" of 64.2. McCain is third at 57.7. Among other key Republicans, Condoleezza Rice is fourth (56.1), Romney 13th (45.9), President George W. Bush 15th (43.8), and Newt Gingrich is 17th (42).

Clearly, that last poll isn't about the election per se, but it shows how McCain, the perceived frontrunner, isn't actually running in front in public opinion. Despite this, liberals are taking on McCain, not Giuliani. started running an ad taking up John Edwards' message that Bush's troop surge is the 'McCain Doctrine.' Lefty documentarian Robert Greenwald has a video making the rounds on the web, called The REAL McCain, showing all the flip-flops he's made on issues like Iraq, same sex marriage, and the religious right. Then there were accusations that McCain was caught sleeping at the State of the Union (personally, I think that probably wasn't true. It looked to me like he was reading something in his lap).

So what's the deal? If Giuliani's kicking McCain's butt, why are they concentrating on McCain? Don't all the lefty organizations and pundits and blogs know who the real opponent is?

Of course they do. The real opponent is John McCain. Rudy Giuliani doesn't stand a snowball's chance of getting the GOP nomination...


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