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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Griper Blade: Republicans Would Rather Not Have Their Support for the Surge on Record

How about we start with the clumsiest historical reference I've heard in a good long time? Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) on the anti-surge resolution passed in the House of Representatives yesterday:

Could you picture Davy Crockett at the Alamo looking at his Blackberry getting a message from Congress? "Davy Crockett, we support you. The only thing is we are not going to send any troops." I'm sure that would really be impressive to Davy Crockett. (source: Think Progress)

He would've been impressed with the Blackberry, though. And we didn't send any troops to the Alamo. And the resolution doesn't say we aren't sending any troops -- it says we shouldn't. And Todd Akin's a freakin' idiot.

The rhetoric coming from the right has been pretty crazy. Rep. Don Young (R-AK) threw out a fake Lincoln quote and suggested that democrats ought to be hung. You'd think that the vote wasn't symbolic, but rather consequential.

Of course, that's because it is consequential. The media keeps calling it a 'symbolic' resolution, but anyone paying attention knows its purpose. The purpose is to get people to vote on the surge and get those votes on record. Anyone who thinks a vote for the surge isn't going to come back in a campaign ad in '08 is dreaming. These ads write themselves -- whoever winds up running against Akin ought to print up t-shirts with that Davy Crockett/Blackberry quote. Nothing says, "vote against this guy," like proof positive the guy's an idiot...


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