The road to riches
-Feel the christian love-
A 'christian' pediatrician denied care to a child because the parents were tattooed. Dr. Gary Merrill of Christian Medical Services in Bakersfield, CA turned away Tasha Childress' daughter because of her body art. "The writing is on the wall—literally: 'This is a private office. Appearance and behavior standards apply.' For Dr. Gary Merrill of Christian Medical Services, that means no tattoos, body piercings, and a host of other requirements—all standards Merrill has set based upon his Christian faith. " So, if you've got some ink, your kid can go die -- where's that in the Bible? (KGET, via Evangelical Right)
-I'm glad I don't live in China-
Although, there's not much chance I'd commit this crime. "A Chinese business executive was sentenced to death for swindling $385 million from investors in a bogus ant-breeding scheme, a court official said Thursday." He'd set up what sounds like a pyramid scheme to sell ant farms. Ants are a source of traditional medicine in China. (AP)
-Fun with real world absurdism-
I came across this really weird photo on reddit. The submitter put it up as a 'caption contest' -- i.e., you take this bizarrely disturbing photo and add a punchline. It works better than you'd think. My caption is below:

Fun and games at the first annual convention of the National Association of Guys Named Earl
Post your own caption or join the fun at reddit -- some of them are pretty funny.
Please send all hate mail to president@whitehouse.gov -- he deserves it more than I do (unless your name is Earl; in which case, my apologies). (the New Shelton wet/dry)
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