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Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 2/4/07

Baby Horse Eater

-Rush Limbaugh is nuts-
Nobel Prize nominee Rush Limbaugh on photos of polar bears stranded on ice floes: "This whole thing is totally misleading. They’re not even stranded on an ice floe that’s broken apart. They’re just out there just playing around. They’re just out there. You know, just like your cat goes to its litter box. When’s the last time your cat got stranded in its litter box? Just like your pit bull attacks and kills the neighbor’s baby horse, whatever, I mean these things happen. It’s called nature." Wait a second -- 'when your pit bull attacks and kills the neighbor's baby horse'? does that ever happen to anyone? It's all horseshit, but WTF is he talking about? I think Rush is back on drugs... (Think Progress)

-Best. Press conference. Ever.-
Prince's press conference announcing he'll play half-time at Super Bowl XLI. He answered no questions and he answered all questions.

(7:24 total play time)

Why don't all press conferences have dancers? (Youtube)

-Make up your own joke about squat-thrusts-
An Amsterdam gym plans to offer 'Naked Sunday' for patrons who like to work out in the nude. "Nude exercisers would be required to put towels down on weight machines and to use disposable seat covers while riding bikes. All machines would be cleaned and disinfected afterward." Isn't looking good naked one reason to work out? (Associated Press)

-Before using product, engage brain-
From a book titled Remove Child Before Folding: The 101 Stupidest, Silliest, and Wackiest Warning Labels Ever, which collects stupid warning labels:

-"Caution: This is not to be used by children under 3 yrs. of age" (on a child's toy badge that proclaims "I am 2.")

-"Do not iron" (on all California Super Lotto tickets).

-"Do not use ... as a projectile in a catapult or similar hurling mechanism" (on a CD player).

(Associated Press)

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