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Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Stuff I Didn't Get To -- 3/4/07

Typical teenage girl from Texas

-It's Roma, not Salem-
A teacher in Roma, Texas is accused of detaining two girls, 14 and 17, in his classroom for a day. He told the girls that if they left, they'd be arrested for casting a spell on another teacher. Jose Ramos told authorities that he was protecting them from other students who thought the girls were witches. That's right, there are no smart people in this story. (AP)

-The least powerful man in Hollywood-
Right wing radio nut Michael Savage was dropped by his representation, Creative Artists Agency, after ranting about Melissa Etheridge's acceptance speech at the Oscars. After winning Best Original Song for I Need to Wake Up from An Inconvenient Truth, Etheridge thanked her wife. "I don't like a woman married to a woman. It makes me want to puke. ... I want to vomit when I hear it. I think it's child abuse," Savage said. His problem; Melissa Etheridge is represented by CAA and is a much bigger moneymaker for them than some nut from the backwaters of AM radio. Savage was dropped from CAA two days after they'd signed him. Couldn't happen to a more deserving lunatic. (Media Matters)

-'Naked Sunday' sounds hotter than it is-
FOLLOWUP: A gym in the Netherlands had its first 'Naked Sunday' today and everything went well. A quote from the article, just so you get the idea of what it was really like; "Around a dozen middle-aged and elderly men braved the glare of nearly twice that number of journalists at Fitworld gym in the town of Heteren, including reporters, photographers and at least five television crews, to fulfill their dream of exercising naked." Ooh, sexy! (AP)

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